Perspective from Bergson

On X/Twitter, I saw a drawing by toshᴉzumi. It’s pretty complex, well made, I like it very much. I had a few thoughts how I would adjust it a bit to my taste. toshᴉzumi shared the code, so I played a bit with it. What I was doing:

  • Using styles for repeated designs (colored nodes, arrows)
  • font=\scriptsize instead of \scriptsize in node text for lineskip
  • Sharper arrow tips
  • symmetric bent arrows
  • cone in the middle of the plane
  • text below plane aligned
  • bottom texts and top texts aligned
  • sans serif font is used because I really prefer it for diagrams

I did some manual tweaks for the look I liked, just to have it quickly done because the evening is already late.

This is the result – click on it to zoom it bigger:

The original source is on Github. And this is the modified code:

\usetikzlibrary{calc} %for centerarc
draw, rectangle, dashed, inner sep=0.75em
memory/.style = {fill=cyan!10, text width=56, node distance=155},
cognitive/.style = {fill=yellow!30, text width=65},
phenomenal/.style = {fill=cyan!5, text width=55, node distance=165},
explain/.style = {fill=magenta!10, text width=60,font=\scriptsize},
small/.style = {fill=yellow!40, text width=50,font=\scriptsize},
arrow/.style = {->, ultra thick, opacity=.8}}
%from Bergson - Matter and Memory, p. 211 (fig. 3)
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.append style = {rectangle, text centered}]
\draw[very thick] (3.25,1.75)--(-2,1.75)--(-3.5,-1.75)--(1.75,-1.75)--cycle;
\draw[ultra thick,white] (-0.54,1.75)--(0.55,1.75);
\draw[very thick,dashed,gray] (-0.54,1.75)--(0.55,1.75);
\draw[very thick] (0,0)--(-2.25,7.5); %leftwards line
\draw[very thick] (0,0)--( 2.25,7.5); %rightward line
\draw[very thick] (0,7.5) ellipse (2.25cm and 0.75cm);
\draw[very thick] (0,5.0) ellipse (1.5cm and 0.375cm);
\draw[very thick] (0,2.5) ellipse (0.75cm and 0.1875cm);
\node (S) at (0,-0.3) {S};
\node at (3.5,1.75) {P};
\node (A) at (-2.5,7.5) {A}; \node (Ap) at (-1.85,5) {A$'$};
\node (App) at (-1.2,2.5) {A$''$};
\node (B) at ( 2.5,7.5) {B}; \node (Bp) at ( 1.85,5) {B$'$};

Click on “Run LaTeX here” to get it as a PDF.

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